Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wedge Issues, Politicians and Your Body

One of my friends inspired me to start a blog, a pastime my husband and I have poked fun at for several years now. "Who do these people think they are and why do they think anyone cares about what they have to say?" The truth is, I have been bombarded with email forwards and facebook posts of other people's blogs and have enjoyed reading quite a few of them.  But, alas, I will stick to the title topic and the reason I felt compelled to start a blog. I am a vegetarian. My 6-year-old son is a vegetarian. My husband, however, is not a vegetarian, but more on that later.

One of my grad school professors first introduced me to the idea of wedge issues and how politicians use them to divide and conquer. For those of you who aren't familiar, wedge issues include any hot media topic that affects a small portion of the population and evokes extreme emotional response from both sides of the political spectrum.  Currently and unfortunately there are only two sides of that spectrum, which of course includes liberals and conservatives. And for those of you who are like me and consider yourselves somewhere on the fringe of either, believe me, we are a small minority in this country. Politicians have historically used wedge issues to garner votes and since Richard Nixon, have been solely responsible for the election of presidents, congressmen (and women) and representatives.

But I digress.  This blog will hopefully help shed light on the issues that affect all of us: that which goes into our bodies both voluntarily and involuntarily.  On a daily basis and no matter where we live in this country we breathe filthy polluted air, drink filthy polluted water and eat filthy polluted food. There is plenty of scientific evidence to back this up so I will let you google that yourselves.  Too many of my friends and family have battled cancer, illness (both physical and mental) and obesity which I am absolutely and unequivocally, 100% certain is due in large part to environmental factors.  Some of it we can control, however, much of it we cannot.  I will be sharing information that affects ALL of us: not just whites, not just wealthy, not just blacks, not just gays, not just disabled, not just libertarians, not just immigrants, not get the idea.

Please note that the word "vegetarian" is overused, misused and quite often abused.  My son and I, on occasion, do eat locally caught fish which would logically place us into the "pescetarian" category but because I despise esoteric labels, I am sticking to the vegetarian one since most people are acquainted with it and have a strong opinion of it either way.  In this blog I will share personal recipes which I believe to be healthy, quick, easy and delicious ways to add to our otherwise unhealthy and toxic daily consumption of foods, gasses and liquids.


  1. I'm actually a carnitarian... I would share recipes as well, but I think everyone can figure out the whole
    1. Kill the animal
    2. Put it over a fire
    3. Consume said animal
